Tis the season!
Family members you may not see any other time of year, more calorie choices than you can shake a drumstick at, Mall madness, money woos and travel hectic land… How does a gal manage? Follow our simple Girlfriend Social Holiday Stress guide, that’s how!
Number 1 Reason for Holiday Stress – You take on too much!
Women are known to be super women, working jobs, managing kids, helping friends and making sure our partners are well fed and houses cleaned. We manage. Till the holidays. All things in life are good until you get to too much. Prioritize which events and gatherings you would like to attend and do and stick to the plan.
Number 2 – Too much food, booze, sweets.
Same thing goes for eating and parties. Just like having too much eggnog and rum will cause you pain the next day, over eating will have you stressing just as fast. Try and slowed down by spacing your food eating out, taking a few more moments to chew, and making sure you are well hydrated in the dryer colder winter months, can all help. Try Having one small plate at buffets with portion controls. But do remember ladies, an extra cookie wont be the end of the world, its holiday time! 12 extra cookies and You and Santa might have to have a talk.
Number 3 – Manage your Together Time
A slew of relatives who push your boundaries like teenage daughters is something that can be managed by figuring out “how much time” is needed at each of these events. If a full day with Aunt Edna causes your whole family to be cranky for days, then perhaps an hour or two in the afternoon would be enough. Remember this is your life and you can set acceptable limits on what you are willing.. and not willing to do. This could include skipping visits or limiting them to every other year.
Number 4 – Manage your Alone Time
Another problem for many during the holidays is a sense of feeling alone. This can happen from being away from family, divorce, deaths or simply just noticing that your regular support network is not around you as they spend holidays with Grandma. Its a good idea to invite others to your house as a way of reaching out. If you are female, there are many women on Girlfriend Social who are in similar life changing situations that you can meet up with. Last but not least, Volunteering around the holidays is a great way of reaching out. We mean it! Look into it and your focus will shift pretty quickly to what you have and not what you lack!
Remember Ladies, The holidays is a time for you to have a little fun too. Try some of our tips to keep the hair pulling to a minimum and Have a Happy Holidays from Girlfriend Social!!
Great tips to deal with stress
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