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Want to make Some Easy Paper Roses? Great fun free gift idea for a friend or family…
Want to make Some Easy Paper Roses? Great fun free gift idea for a friend or family member!
DIY Paper Roses
How to Make Easy Paper Roses What a Totally Easy And Awesome Craft Project! Easy origami roses! Neat 🙂
Organizing: What Works For Me May Not Work For You!
When an organizer starts working with a client, it’s very important for me to get to know what kind of learner they are. Why? Knowing if someone is a more dominant left-brain thinker vs a right-brain thinker is extremely important when it comes to organizing. Not sure if you’re left-brain or right-brain dominant? There are […]
Dealing with Holiday Stress for Women!
Tis the season! Family members you may not see any other time of year, more calorie choices than you can shake a drumstick at, Mall madness, money woos and travel hectic land… How does a gal manage? Follow our simple Girlfriend Social Holiday Stress guide, that’s how! Number 1 Reason for Holiday Stress – You […]
Why dont you take a nice aromatherapy herbal bath night?
In a life full of kids, work and partners it is easy to forget about a very important person… YOU! Take some time this week, about 20 mins (yes, less than an episode of Dexter or So you think you can dance) and do something really calm, relaxing and nice for yourself. Its easy! Run […]
Neiman Marcus Cookie Scandal – Urban Email Legends
Did you get the Neiman Marcus cookie scandal email? This is a tale as old as time. Lets explore