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True Friendship Isn’t About Being Inseparable – It’s Being Separated and Nothing Changes
True Friendship Isn’t About Being Inseparable – It’s Being Separated & Nothing Changes Is this true for you? We think so. Nothing like getting together with an old friend and catching up. If you are looking for new friends though – is here 🙂
The Geek In Us Loves These Binary Nails
What do you think? Would you wear them?
How To Paint Nails ‘Properly’
how to paint nails properly. We always have a hard time with this.. But following these simple directions it all makes sense! Try it out.
Talking to an Old Friend
Sometimes our lives change and we move in new directions… That’s ok. We all change and grow… But its nice to remember where you have come from
Truth Hurts
Truth can be really hard sometimes. But lies destroy the trust given.
Wizard of Oz is the ULTIMATE Chick Flick
Wizard of Oz is the ultimate chick flick… Two women trying to kill each other over shoes. 🙂
Do you Have a Best Friend Forever?
Why not meet one at Girlfriend Social? Free for all women over 18